Kirsten Moana Thompson has kindly reviewed the 2023 underwater edition of Colour in Film:
“The 2023 Color in Film Conference returned with a splash, thanks to the organizational mastery of Ulrich Ruedel and Elza Tantcheva-Burdge who held the seventh annual color conference in the beautiful Film Archiv Austria/Metro Kinokulturhaus in Vienna. For the first time the conference was themed around a fascinating new special topic in Color and underwater cinematography, with a particular focus on scientists and diving pioneers Hans and Lotte Hass, as well as Hans Fricke. […] This year’s conference theme was a fascinating and rich way to organize screenings and talks around color, and opens up new interdisciplinary directions in which color studies can contribute […]. I hope that a number of color scholars will further develop some of the research pathways that were introduced this year.”
Read the full report here on the blog pages of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies’ Special Interest Group, Colour and Film.